Interior Door Replacement Company

Call for a free estimate: 650-938-6878

Serving the Peninsula, South Bay, and East Bay

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Call for a Free Estimate: 650-938-6878

New Mountain View Showroom Open for Business!

Kristine at her new desk

Well, our remodeling project has  resulted in a new and very presentable showroom at our Mountain View location. New paint and new carpeting are now all in place, although much work still remains to be done before we’re ready for our official grand opening.   That includes some of the door displays that we’re still working on, but our complete line of Signature Collection molded door displays are completed and ready for customer viewing and inspection.  The new showroom is definitely functional and far more comfortable than the previous space that we previously had.

We now have about 1400 sq ft of showroom space, allowing us to display more doors and lockset hardware.  We will be adding more displays in the next few days, including a barn door and additional Premium Collection doors.  We have also added a lounge area where customers can browse the websites of our door suppliers and reflect on the various choices and options that they have for door replacement.

If you are in the area and considering the possibility of replacing your interior, exterior, and/or closet doors, please stop by and visit us.  We think you will be pleased with our new showroom and the insight it will provide you on our products and services.


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